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Friday 12 October 2007

Jimmy Wales' Wikipedia: Fake Info Conspiracy


Jimmy Wales' Wikipedia:  Fake Info Conspiracy Just as Comedy Central's Daily Show is the best "fake news" on TV, Wikipedia is the best "fake information" on the Internet.

Claiming to be a "free online encyclopedia," Wikipedia is actually a shill for corporate and other internet disinformation, just as AP, also known as Associated Propaganda (or Press), is the Media Cartel's syndicator of choice, spreading false "nooz" in hometown papers throughout America.

Using a website called Wikiscanner (, created by Virgil Griffith, a computer science graduate student, the edits by corporate shills like Fox News, as well as internet-directed PsyOps by the CIA, can be actually cross-referenced using an edited entry on Wikipedia with the owner of the computer network where the change originated.

(It's hard to believe but they don't even use anonymous servers yet.)

Using the Internet protocol address of the editor’s network makes it easier to find out who's making which fake edits to the fake information on Wikipedia.

Toxic drink manufacturer Pepsi, election fraud voting machine manufacturer Diebold, and faux news broadcaster Fox News have all been caught adding or deleting to their spin on Wikipedia. (Did we mention that Wikipedia is the premier fake encyclopedia on the internet?)

The New York Times reports that "Jimmy Wales, founder of the Wikimedia Foundation, which runs Wikipedia, says the site discourages such 'conflict of interest' editing. 'We don’t make it an absolute rule,' he said, 'but it’s definitely a guideline.'"

"Conflict of interest?" This should remind you of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, when pirate Jack Sparrow is told that there really isn't a "Pirates' Code" -- it's more of a "suggestion." That's sounds just like Jimmy Wales' so-called "guideline" on Wikipedia.

Virgil Griffith, the creator of Wikiscanner, has done a great service exposing the media liars and media whores.

New York Times claims that "Griffith said he 'was expecting a few people to get nailed pretty hard' after his service became public. "The yield, in terms of public relations disasters, is about what I expected."

"Mr. Griffith, who also likes to refer to himself as a 'disruptive technologist,'" the Times continues, "said he was certain any more examples of self-interested editing would come out in the next few weeks, 'because the data set is just so huge.'"

Wikipedia is the undisputed kudzu weed of the Internet.

Just wait till it's revealed that Jimmy Wales' Wikipedia is an NSA-CIA-Pentagon PsyOps scam.

(Added bonus: This is how Wikipedia speeds up the dumbing down of America. Every lazy American school kid, who needs to write a paper, will look at the Wikipedia entry first, copy it down, and then it's the end of so-called "research." Dumbing Down of America: Mission Accomplished. Jimmy Wales, you should be SO proud...)

* URI DOWBENKO is the author of "Bushwhacked: Inside Stories of True Conspiracy" and "Hoodwinked: Watching Movies with Eyes Wide Open." His new DVD is called "One Nation Under Fraud" He can be reached at His website is UriDowbenko.Com

For more information on Dowbenko's articles and samples of chapters from his books see Bushwhacked & Hoodwinked"

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