NO2ID - Stop ID cards and the database stateHelp us find the ID interrogation centres

Tuesday 6 November 2007


By David Icke

I know from long personal experience the effect on the body of emotion and stress. The pressure of my life and the virtual absence of any 'chill out' time or periods of peace were killing me, no doubt about it, and increasingly quickly, too. I was going down and down with the vortex of stress and pressure that was engulfing me with no respite.

There was a time in 2003 when I was under particular stress that I had excruciating pain in my neck, the worst I have ever experienced. Mike Lambert said immediately that it was caused by stressed emotion and you realise that common phrases like someone or something being 'a pain in the neck' are based on fact.

Mike was saying that the emotion of fear is connected to the kidneys and anger to the liver and gallbladder. That's why we refer to something as 'galling' or say that someone is 'venting their bile' (which is produced by the gallbladder). The emotional trauma or stress affects the flow of the gallbladder meridian and this imbalance is passed on to the neck further up the same energy line.

The gallbladder meridian passes through the backside and affects the sciatic nerve - hence we rightly refer to people who give us stress as a 'pain in the arse'. Mike was also saying that you can see a greeny-blue tinge to the skin near the eyes of people who are feeling extremely envious and so they are literally 'green with envy'.

David Icke

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