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Friday, 31 August 2007

We Americans Simply Haven’t Raised Enough Hell

SOCORRO, New Mexico (STPNS) -- Every now and then I take a break from the propaganda and just plain craziness that surrounds us and is passed off as “news.” I don’t listen to the radio (not even NPR), read a paper or allow myself to get sucked into the entertainment as news presented on television.

Especially local and regional TV stations are hooked, and hope their viewers are hooked, on the formula “if it bleeds it leads.” The talking heads on local stations, just as their network counterparts, know very well what they are allowed to present and therefore continue receiving their paychecks. Television, radio and newspapers and popular magazines do quite well in discharging what corporate ownership desires, they, “normalize the unthinkable.”

If you want some local news, news that doesn’t make you feel sick, news like what are your neighbors really doing and thinking, what events are they planning and what events involving local folks took place last weekend, then you’d better stay with the strictly local newspapers that are not part of the spider web of corporate/government control. Like the one you’re reading now.

On an alternative broadcast on “Free Speech TV” I heard a speaker charge that what TV “news as entertainment” has done is make millions of Americans feel and believe that everything from TV land is “real” and everything else, like you and I and the world, is an illusion. Why else do children, teenagers and adults desire to dress, eat and drink, drive, believe and think, what they see hour after hour day after day, night after night, on television? They are the patriotic super-consumers our imperial president urged them to be even as the twin towers of 9/11 still smoldered and the search for bodies and survivors went on.

Please read the rest of this interesting article here -

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